the red thread

The Red Thread is a 6-week in-person journey. An invitation to enter into a more feminine embodied movement practice, including the practices of slowing down and receiving, exploring our inner landscape of sensation, feelings & connection, intuition, aliveness, fullness and feminine power.

Like an umbilical cord The Red Thread is what links the feminine aspect of ourselves to the force and the flow of life, to nature, to our nature.
This about undoing the knots and tension within us to find the freedom to express our truth.
I have found in my own journey this comes more easily and richly to us when we meet together in a collective of women, holding, supporting, encouraging and teaching each other, the same Red Thread winds through us all, the same desire to know ourselves unbound and to begin to remove the masks of conditioning, to find our own voice and to truly know love.
As women, wahine ma, The Red Thread weaves us together in support.
As a woman The Red Thread links us back to our beautiful intuitive, instinctive nature.
The Red Thread calls us to explore, within a safe space of women holding women, our need to be in our truth, to meet ourselves, to meet ourselves in the wisdom of our feminine body.
During the 6 weeks The Red Thread will weave us through the sacred elements of:
Week 1 Earth – grounding into receptivity and slowing down
Week 2 Water – navigating fluidity and our emotional realm and being a loving container for this realm
Week 3 Fire – exploring boundaries, big energy and fierce love, taking up space
Week 4 Air – Breath, spirit and the liminal space, our connection to the sacred, that which touches all things.
Week 5 Cycles and Transitioning – looking at transitions through our feminine cycle, including the Te Marama cycles and exploring the transition through menopause.
Week 6 Integration
3 explorations over 90mins
Movement to embody and meet ourselves in our weekly exploration to self – the movement will partially guided but with invitation to find your own movement.
Guided inquiry – to begin to integrate and inner-stand
Sharing/expressing – the potency that comes when women give permission to each other to be as they are.
My Intention for the meeting place is for you to explore:
Connection and Safety
Being in your body
Navigating your emotional depths
Nervous System regulation (being present and open)
Slowing down to meet the moment
Receiving rather than over giving
Permission to explore
Trust in your wholeness
Awakening to the feminine wisdom within you.
The Specifics of The Red Thread embodied feminine movement course:
6 weekly x 90 min sessions beginning Tuesday 9th July 5.30pm - 7pm in person journey at Puriri Hall – Puriri Hauraki Plains
Sliding scale:
$180 Supported: for those who are who cannot quite give freely currently
$222 Normal rate that helps to support me and my work continuing
$222 – $333 Supporting: generosity that allows me to support others
For Registration & Payment please