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  • Writer's pictureJody Brown

This is my why

Living Wildly for me is an act of activism. A rebellious middle finger to the way many of us are corralled into living in survival and not feeling truly alive.

This is my why

I believe life is magic, which is not to say life, and my life, it isn’t without suffering. Our suffering can also reveal our longing, our longing can lead us into our hearts and the opportunity in this life is to become aware of a deeper more open and clearer part of our SELF experience. (it is truly hard to put words to this aspect of self). Opening myself to this possibility and potentiality, also leads me to desiring to support others who feel the same calling.

This calling is getting louder – and this is my why.

I believe the root of our suffering.. my suffering, is a deep longing for connection.

To wake up from the illusion of separation.

A key to opening the doorway to deep abiding connection is in the slowing down and coming into presence, to paying attention and deeply listening to life, and a way of doing that is through somatic awareness or coming into the awareness through the body. This path can bring us beyond our ego survival structure and to a deeper wisdom and play, to the innocent child who wants to create, to open and connect, and also to the wisdom within that can guide us to how to do that.

When we can feel connected we open freely.

My own journey of opening and living from my heart came from a desire to not do life alone. To have faith that life has got me, to fall into life. To walk in partnership with life, to be in service to love, and also to trust that I was worthy of receiving that.

Opening to receive, to trust I was worthy, has been the most beautiful and challenging part of the process. Life is everything, it is the land, the trees, it is money, it is you, and it is your children, your partner, and it is how we individually conceptualise life (due to our environment and individual experiences including our trauma) that leads us to experience separation.

There has been such a common theme percolating in the collective, the desire to move from individuality (doing it all) back to community, back to connection. Loving connection (to each other and to life) is where we thrive.

When we are learning to open our wild hearts, to live from our hearts, making shifts in this world that impact our lives or the lives of others, we can often fall into the trap of thinking we have to do it all on our own.

Fear of rejection or being needy shifts us to a place where it feels safer to do forge the path by ourselves. But this is exhausting and we only learn to receive if we are willing to open our hands and therefore expose our vulnerable hearts.

It is a wild heart that decides to open and trust, to move into the edges of fear of rejection and abandonment, particularly when that is how your heart got closed off.

So what would it be like to know you don't have to do it alone? To open your heart amongst other hearts who also want to open.

This is also my why.

I want to provide a space for you to begin to receive love and support, to be able to transfer that into your everyday life so you can begin to let go of the armor, to let go of the exhaustion, to let go of placing your desires for a bigger more connected life to the side. I want you to hear your heart, to trust the wisdom within you, I want to help you change our precious world for the better by being the truest version of yourself.

So how do you do that?

It begins by hearing your own yes and opening and letting the mystery of that unfold

What I can tell you is..

I am running a 4 week embodied enquiry for women who want to start to listen and live from their wild heart.

This will be commencing around the end of May beginning of June and I am still taking registrations for interest now.

I have created this journey for you to explore your own wild heart and hear her speak

So that you can trust your body as a compass and guide

Embrace the child within who wants to create and love

Soften around the things that get in the way.

Together we will explore trust, receiving and community.

You will be supported by an intimate group of women who want the same thing.

To live from you wild heart is to love, let go and step forward.

Please reach out for more information or to say YES.

More information also here


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